

The Durango Cowboy Gathering strives to bring together people from all walks of life and all ages to celebrate and preserve the history, culture, and traditions of the American West.


The Durango Cowboy Gathering is a 100% volunteer organization without paid staff or a permanent office. Members of the Board of Directors give generously of their time, hard work, and personal resources so that everyone may celebrate, make friends, learn, and enjoy our cowboy heritage.

The Durango Cowboy Gathering is a Colorado nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, supported by generous sponsors and supporters. This project is made possible by the City of Durango’s Lodgers’ Tax Arts & Culture Fund and the Durango Creative District.


Sue McWilliams – President
Barry Longwell – Vice President
Carol Bruno
Sherry Colquitt
Marcos Costa
Pam Jacobs
Lexi LeFebre
Karren Little
Scott Perez
Kathy Sherer
Lindy Simmons
Mike Mullins
Debra May
Jack Turner
Lisa Watters


Please register here to volunteer for the 2024 Durango Cowboy Gathering (October 2-6, 2024). We are collecting volunteer names and contact information (your personal information will be kept private) at this time. There are NO OBLIGATIONS by registering now.

There are numerous events both inside and outdoors including: Music and poetry performances, school programs, Cowboy Parade and Horseback Social, and other special events.

As the Gathering gets closer, you will be contacted with a list of volunteer positions and event details. There are positions for every type of talent, interest, and time available. We keep it fun AND you’ll get to meet lots of nice local cowboys, cowgirls, and a few old grumps.

DONATE (please!)

The Durango Cowboy Gathering is a Colorado nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. All contributions are tax deductible. Your financial support is well-deserved and hugely appreciated.

We love checks (whether personal or business). Your mail-in contributions saves us processing fees. Make checks payable and mail to:

Durango Cowboy Gathering
P.O. Box 2571
Durango, CO 81302

For tax reporting, our nonprofit Federal tax I.D. is: 84-1128649


Downloadable PDF’s
History of Durango Cowboy Gathering
• Press Release – June 19, 2024

For media inquiries contact us below:

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