2024 Child Participation and Release Form

    All children younger than age 18 must be listed on this form (up to 5 kids). Use additional forms if needed for more children.

    Born October 6, 2006 or Later - Valid for Both Events.

    This is the only form needed to participate in Horseback Social

    Child entering (check all that apply): :


    (For participants younger than age 18, born on October 6, 2006 or later)

    I, the parent or legal guardian of the child named above, grant permission for my child to participate in the Cowboy Parade and / or Horseback Social. I recognize for myself and for the Child, that these activities involve inherent risks of injury and expressly agree to assume them on my behalf and on behalf of the Child. We agree to abide by all Horsemanship Requirements of the Cowboy Parade and Horseback Social.

    I HEREBY, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors, and /or personal representatives knowingly and voluntarily enter into this WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind arising out of my participation in the Durango Cowboy Gathering, the Cowboy Parade, and Horseback Social (the “Activity”).

    I hereby release and forever discharge Durango Cowboy Gathering, Inc., the City of Durango, Co, their officers, staff, volunteers, representatives, successors and assigns from any physical or psychological injury or economic loss that I may suffer as a direct result of my participation in the Activity.


    My child is voluntarily participating in the Activity, and is participating entirely at our own risk. I'm aware of the risks associated with participating, which may include but are but are not limited to physical or psychological injury, pain, suffering, and / or economic loss. I understand that these injuries or outcomes may arise from my own or others negligence and conditions related to the Activity. Nonetheless I assume all related risks, both known and unknown to me.

    PHOTO / VIDEO RELEASE. I hereby grant permission to the rights of my image, likeness, and sound of my participation in the Activity to Durango Cowboy Gathering without payment or any other consideration.

    You must read “Horsemanship Requirements” below and sign at the bottom of this page.

    Horsemanship Requirements

    Horses are majestic animals central to the history of the American west and the Durango Cowboy Gathering. Unlike the majority of events that eliminate any possibility of risk, the Cowboy Parade and Horseback Social embrace the independence and personal responsibility required of all participants, both human and horse. All horseback riders must review, understand, and comply with the following:

    Schedule – October 5, 2024:

    7:00 – 9:00 AM Truck / Trailer Parking and unloading on 2nd Avenue.

    • NOTE: Vehicles without a horse trailer may unload gear and passengers but must park elsewhere to maximize truck / trailer parking.

    7:00 – 9:30 AM Horseback Social Check-in; (Bank of San Juans parking lot; 8th St. and 2nd Ave.)

    7:00 – 10:00 AM Cowboy Parade Check-in: (2 locations: • 5th Street and Main Ave. • Bank of San Juans parking lot; 8th St. and 2nd Ave.)

    8:00 – 10:00 AM Horseback Social

    10:30 AM Cowboy Parade Start

    Horsemanship Goals

    1. Safety for riders, spectators, horses, and property.
    2. Preserve, celebrate, and promote our western heritage and culture.
    3. Build camaraderie and respect between our urban and rural communities.
    4. Educate and inform locals and visitors about cowboy, rural, and agricultural life.
    5. Establish a long-term signature event for Durango and La Plata County.
    6. Minimize risk, maximize FUN! Please take care of each other.

    Entry Requirements

    1. Liability waiver, assumption of risk, photography waiver, and rules compliance forms must be signed before entering the riding area.
    2. Parent or legal guardian must sign for their own child under the age of 18. Other adults are not allowed to sign on behalf of a minor.
    3. Riders ages 12 or younger must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times during the event,
    4. Riders must wear official wristband during the event to participate, and
    5. Personal Entries Only – No “Rental” Participants (i.e., Outfitters cannot sell ridership in the Cowboy Parade or Horseback Social to “dudes”).


    1. NO Political messaging, literature, or materials of any kind for:

    • Candidates and Parties

    • Ballot Initiatives

    • National / International political issues

    • Attack literature or materials are prohibited

    2. NO advertising or use of alcohol, drugs, or anything illegal.
    3. Open carry firearms are allowed in the Cowboy Parade, but they must be unloaded.
    4. Open carry firearms, including rifles in scabbard, ARE NOT permitted in Horseback Social.
    5. ALL décor, behavior, etc. must be appropriate for children, families, and my MOM.
    6. Attitude – Everyone is welcome and invited.

    Horse and Rider Safety Requirements

    1. Compatible disposition and behavior. Is your horse ready for downtown?

    • It is vital that riders use good judgment in determining whether their horse is the age, experience, and temperament that’s compatible with other horses, people, and the activity of the Cowboy Parade and Horseback Social.

    • Stud horses are not permitted.

    2. Walk horse at all times. No running, trotting, galloping, etc.
    3. No unattended horses unless they are left inside a trailer.
    4. Rider must be mounted or leading their horse at all times.

    • No tying up horses anywhere except to owner’s trailer. Do not tie horses to signposts, parking meters, buildings, street barricades, bumpouts, etc.

    5. Helmets are welcomed and encouraged, but the decision is the responsibility of each rider (and their parents if under age 18).
    6. It is recommended to remove steel horseshoes to increase traction on asphalt.
    7. Horses MUST be on city streets or in trailer at all times. Horses prohibited on sidewalks, lawns, parks, and / or private property.
    8. Creativity in attire, tack, and decorations of horse / rider are welcome as long as they comply with the Sportsmanship rules above, including:

    • Portable music devices are allowed in the Cowboy Parade, but not in the Horseback Social.

    • No noisemakers

    • Flags are permitted in the Cowboy Parade, but not in the Horseback Social.

    • Do not bring items that could spook another horse in close proximity.

    9. Riders must agree they will exit the riding area and return to trailer if requested to do so by an event official or police. This will be applied in the case of unruly horse and / or rider or rules violations.
    10. Only horses, mules, burros, asses (the animal kind) are permitted in the Horseback Social. Dogs or other animals are not permitted in the Horseback Social.
    11. Llamas, alpacas, cattle, goats, zebras, giraffes, dogs, or any other such critters are permitted in the Cowboy Parade as long as the animal is “parade ready” and is safe around other parade participants, both animal and human.

    This box must be checked to submit entry